Getting Started: Claire Sawers (The List Magazine)

Off The Record spoke to Claire Sawers (Music Editor, The List Magazine) about life in the music business...

Q: How did you get your start in music?

A: I kept pitching in ideas of stuff I really wanted to write about to papers and magazines. It took a while, but eventually a few gave me a chance and I started doing interviews and reviews. Writing about other stuff - sometimes nothing to do with music (occasionally pretty dull things it has to be said!) also helped me pay the bills.

Q: What is best thing about your work?

A: Doing interviews. You have an excuse to chat to the people whose music you love, and ask them pretty much whatever you want. You're normally talking to them because they've been up to something interesting, and if you're lucky they'll be entertaining/ smart/ funny when they go off the topic of music too.

Q: Give us one tip for anyone looking to work in music

A: It's a fun job, but even fun jobs can be hard work, so figure out whether you want it to be a hobby or a job. If it's a job, make sure you're getting paid fairly.

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